(0712) 2500813 / 2500249

Indian Society of Citriculture (ISC)

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Dr. Dilip Ghosh (President)

Indian Society of Citriculture

Mob: +91 9623785121

Dr. R. K. Sonkar (Secretary)

Indian Society of Citriculture

Mob: +91 9423404415

Dr. A. K. Das (Treasurer)

Indian Society of Citriculture

Mob: +91 9423617361

Mailing Address

Indian Society of Citriculture
ICAR - Central Citrus Research Institute
Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 033
Maharashtra, India


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Indian Society of Citriculture
ICAR - Central Citrus Research Institute
Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 033
Maharashtra, India

(0712) 2500813 / (0712) 2500249

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