(0712) 2500813 / 2500249

Indian Society of Citriculture (ISC)

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Home Events

ISC has organized several National and International seminars, workshops, and conferences on various aspects of citrus cultivation, such as production, protection, processing, and marketing.

Few landmark events organized by the society are—
  • International Symposium on Citriculture during 23rd-27th November'1999
  • National Symposium on Citriculture during 17th-19th November'1997
  • National Symposium on Citriculture: A Road Map during 22nd-24th February'2006
  • National Symposium on Citriculture Emerging Trends during 24th-26th July'2008
  • National Seminar on Citrus Biodiversity for Livelihood and Nutritional Security during 4th-5th October'2010
  • National Dialogue on Citrus Improvement, Production and Utilization during 27th-29th February'2012
  • National Citrus Meet during 12th-13th August'2013
  • National Symposium on 'Citrus industry of India: Way forward' during 27th-29th November, 2015

Society also aims to disseminate information on the latest research, technology, and best practices in citriculture and to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences among its members.

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Get In Touch

Indian Society of Citriculture
ICAR - Central Citrus Research Institute
Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 033
Maharashtra, India

(0712) 2500813 / (0712) 2500249

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